DP03 FA2020 Week05

Assignment 4.0 Watch GH Tutorial Video

  • Pick 1 video from this playlist
  • Produce a tutorial model
  • Upload screen captures on Miro

Assignment 4.1 Interactive Wall

  • Analyze the motion as 5-Frame sketch
  • Build Rhino base model and capture 5 views how how it moves
  • (Try creating the instance in Grasshopper)

For Week 5

  • Install Unreal Engine on your PC and run it for the first time.
  • Mac Users may need to install XCode

Midterm Project: Interactive Wall

  • Design an interactive installation based on inspiration from the slow-motion analysis.
  • 3+ different types of movements


PDF presentation

  • Inspiration motion
  • Analysis and translation of the motion
  • Design Elements
  • Kinetics detail
  • Exploded drawing
  • Movement logics


  • 60-second max
  • Show various types of interaction and movement patterns
  • Music

Grasshopper Animation Tutorial

Group Desk-Crits

Week 6

Grasshopper definition of your design