DP01 SP2021 Week03

Assignment 2.0

Revisit in-class tutorials.

Assignment 2.1

Create 3 objects that have more details using the commands you learned in the class. Add dimensions to the object.  Upload images to Miro.

Assignment 2.2

3D model your past project from your portfolio in Rhino

Frank Gehry Video

Deep Cut

Boolean + Loft Exercise



Assignment 3.0 Rhino Render Video

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Assignment 3.1 Frank Gehry’s House

Using the methodologies you learned in the class, create a house.

  • 5 different levels
  • 3-dimensional tiles, for facade and other elements
  • Create 20+ Frank Gehry type surfaces to wrap the building around
  • Rhino Render and post the pictures on Miro Board

Assignment 3.2 Rhino Render (Due W6)

  • Render All Previous Assignments using Rhino Render
  • Post Images on Miro
  • At least do a couple this week