DPD 2021SM W02



"It's not just an architecture project. It's a fusion of architecture and rehabilitation. It's social policy," Adsuara says. "Architecture is not just for big star projects like museums. It's for the slums around them, too."

Four 11×17 pages

Create visual project definition using photos, diagrams, sketches, and other things.

  • What is your project?
  • What kind of program?
  • How big?
  • Where is it located?
  • Who is it for?

10-Page Sketches

Keep your ideas loose. Sketch out whatever comes into your mind based on the general directionality of the project. Move your hands, get inspired, throw ideas on your sketch pad.



Visual Project definition


Brain Outsource

Image result for brain outsourcing

Brainstorming session “WHY?:

We will have a brainstorming session for 20 minutes per person and explore “why?” part of the project. In the end, you will have a clearer idea of the mission of the project. Based on this, please put together a package for the research.

  • Category A: Social Relevance / Historical Context
  • Category B: Your own Point of View
  • Category C: Project Mission / Impact



Project Description (rewrite by Friday)

See example project descriptions:





3 Precedent Research (11×17” for each)

Find relevant projects that are related to your project.  Do an analysis of why the project is successful and or unsuccessful.  Develop an opportunity and challenges for your project.

-Design Story (11×17” for each)

Based on the brainstorm results, produce a series of research to answer “why” part of the project. Create a series of 11×17 sheets addressing A: Social relevance of the project, B: Your own point of view, and C: Mission of the project.


-Visual Project Definitions (4+ 11×17”) UPDATE

Diagrams, plans, sections, sketches, digital models, along with images to communicate your project. 4+ 11×17 sheets printed

W03 Monday No Class

Gate 1 review W03 Wednesday

This class has a series of gated reviews. If you don’t present deliverables, you will not be proceeding to the next steps. A 7-minute presentation pitch. Present your current state of the project. Try to think this as an elevator pitch. Get your audience excited and engaged.

-Designer 1 Sheet

-Design Firm Research

-3 Precedents

-Design Story

-Visual Project Definition