DPD 2021SM W03

Gate 1 review

This class has a series of gated reviews. If you don’t present deliverables, you will not be proceeding to the next steps. A 7-minute presentation pitch. Present your current state of the project. Try to think this as an elevator pitch. Get your audience excited and engaged.

  • -Designer 1 Sheet
  • -Design Firm Research
  • -3 Precedents
  • -Design Story
  • -Visual Project Definition

Site Selection

Image result for site map architecture

Site research lecture

Site Proposal

Pitch your site idea, and get approved by Yo before starting the site research package.


Assignments for W4

Site research package

  • -Scaled site plan with dimensions and area calculation
  • -Socio-cultural research, including demographics, history, neighborhood feel, and etc
  • -Site analysis, including sun study, traffic, views, and other information

Site Model

Digital Site Model on Unreal Engine or Twinmotion

ARVE Error: src mismatch

provider:    youtube
url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aD56bDcbLc&list=PLVHxi7OEvtKSqiKU34NTxVPcq9Pj5Wf1x&index=17&t=7s

src: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/-aD56bDcbLc?list=PLVHxi7OEvtKSqiKU34NTxVPcq9Pj5Wf1x
src gen: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/-aD56bDcbLc?start=7&list=PLVHxi7OEvtKSqiKU34NTxVPcq9Pj5Wf1x

ARVE Error: src mismatch

provider:    youtube
url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zl-VjOYg8A&list=PLVHxi7OEvtKSqiKU34NTxVPcq9Pj5Wf1x&index=24&t=61s

src: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/0zl-VjOYg8A?list=PLVHxi7OEvtKSqiKU34NTxVPcq9Pj5Wf1x
src gen: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/0zl-VjOYg8A?start=61&list=PLVHxi7OEvtKSqiKU34NTxVPcq9Pj5Wf1x