DP03 FA2020 Week04

Assignment 3.0

5 to 10 conceptual form study models for your ENV3 project.

  • Sketch ideas
  • Name each one
  • Model them using subdivision
  • It can be an exterior volumetric study or interior element

W04 Miro Link

Interactive Design

HEXI Responsive Wall


Kinetic Wall by Leva

Vita Motus

Moment Factory

Basics of Grasshopper video


Motion Inspiration Charette

  • Go and shoot a video of a motion using slow-motion camera
  • Upload the video on youtube
  • Share the link on Miro

Assignment 4.0 Watch GH Tutorial Video

  • Pick 1 video from this playlist
  • Produce a tutorial model
  • Upload screen captures on Miro

Assignment 4.1 Interactive Wall

  • Analyze the motion as 5-Frame sketch
  • Build Rhino base model and capture 5 views how how it moves
  • (Try creating the instance in Grasshopper)

For Week 5

  • Install Unreal Engine on your PC and run it for the first time.
  • Mac Users may need to install XCode