DL03 2021 SM W06

Assignment 5.0

  • Narrative concept diagram

Assignment 5.1

Spatial concept diagram

Assignment 5.2

Tracing of a diagram from this pinterest page


Lecture on program + circulation diagram


Programmatic Diagram Past Examples

Sketch Exercise (45 minutes) + Pinup

Tutorial Video: Programmatic Diagram


Illustrator File


Presentation Board Design


Download slides here

  1. Flow of information
  2. Hierarchy
  3. Alignment and spacing
  4. Design element to drive layout
  5. Plan / Section rules
  6. Graphic language


Midterm Deliverables for ENV3

Integrate diagrams from this class in the presentation

  • Site diagrams
  • Conceptual diagram (narrative / spatial)
  • Programmatic diagram
  • Presentation Board


Due Week 8:  Assignment 6 Movie Diagram


1920×1080 format

  • Inception
  • The Hangover
  • Pulp Fiction
  • City of God
  • Die Hard
  • The Royal Tenenbaums
  • The Big Lebowski